OZET Yaslanmaya bagli sternumdaki incelme, kemik iyilesmesini zorlastirmakta ve sternumun tespitlendigi yerden kaymasina neden olabilmektedir. Calismamizda demineralize kemik matriksinin sternum iyilesmesi uzerindeki etkisini arastirdik. Bu amacla Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Kalp ve Damar Cerrahisi Kliniginde, Kasim 2009 – Ekim 2010 tarihleri arasinda median sternotomi yapilan, yaslari 65 ve uzerinde 24 hasta calismaya alindi. Hastalar randomize olarak Grup I (n=12) calisma grubu ve Grup II (n=12) kontrol grubu olarak ikiye ayrildi. Calisma grubundaki hastalara sternumun her iki tarafinin me-dullasina 1 cc’lik demineralize kemik matriksinin macun formu suruldu. Kontrol grubuna herhangi bir madde tatbik edilmedi. Operasyon bitiminde her iki gruptaki hastalarin ster¬numlari standart olarak celik tellerle birlestirildi. Tum hastalara preoperatif donemde ve postoperatif 8. haftada bilgisayarli tomografi cekildi. Bu tomografilerde Hounsfield uni¬tesi olarak olculen sternumdaki kemik yogunluklari birbirleriyle karsilastirildi. Calisma¬ya alinan hastalarin 11’i erkek ve 13’u kadindi. Hastalarin preoperatif ve postoperatif or¬talama sternum dansitesi degerleri karsilastirildiginda, calisma grubu icin p=0,001<0,05 ve kontrol grubu icin p=0,000<0,05 oldugu saptandi. Calisma ve kontrol grubundaki has¬talarin postoperatif 8. haftada olculen sternum yogunluklari birbiriyle karsilastirildiginda ise her iki grup arasinda istatistiksel farklilik olmadigi goruldu. Sternotomi iyilesmesinde bircok faktor rol oynamaktadir. Bu calismanin sonucunda yasli hastalarda demineralize kemik matriksi uygulamasinin sternum iyilesmesini hizlandirici bir etkisinin olmadigini, ancak bu maddenin sternumdaki tellerin zamanla kemigi kesmesine bagli kemikte mey¬dana gelebilecek ayrilma ve kirilmalari uzun donemde onleyebilecegini dusunmekteyiz. Effect of demineralized bone matrix on recovery of median sternotomy in heart surgery ABSTRACT Stenosis of secondary sternum, causes to ageing, and this ageing makes difficult the re¬covery of bones, and can cause to sliding of sternum from the area that was determined. In our research, we searched that the effect of demineralized bone matrix on recover of sternum that contains noncollagen proteins like osteocalcin, osteonectin and osteopontin that has feature of osteoconductive and osteoinductive. With this purpose, in the clinic of Ondokuz Mayis University department of cardiovascular surgery between November 2009 and October 2010, 24 patients whose ages 65 and 65+ were included into the survey. These patients were randomly divided into two groups, Group I was study group (n=12) and Group II was control group (n=12). To the first group (study group), at the end of the operation, the putty form of demineralized bone matrix (1 cc) was applied to both sides of medulla of sternum. Any substances weren’t applied to the second group (control group). At the end of the operation, sternums of the patients in a standard way was com¬bined with steel wires. All patients had axial reconstruction tomography in preoperative period and 8th week in postoperative period. In these tomographies, density of bones in sternum which was measured as Hounsfield Unit (HU), was compared with each others. 24 patients, 11 of them were male and 13 of them were female. In this measurements, the density of sternum of patients which was measured in preoperative and postoperative pe¬riod, were compared with each other; It was diagnosed that for study group p=0.001<0.05 and for control group p=0.000<0.05. While the density of sternum of patients in studygroup and control group which was measured in 8th week of postoperative period was compared, any statistical differences were not found between both groups. In the end of this research, we think that demineralized bone matrix which is applied to aged patients who have got osteoporotic fragile medulla defection, has not got any accelerate effect on healing of sternum; but in the long term, this substances can prevent breaks seen on bones because of the wires on sternum that cut bones in time. J. Exp. Clin. Med., 2011; 28:141-144
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