A 5-year-old previously healthy boy presents from an outside hospital for further evaluation because of abnormal chest radiography findings. He developed fever, cough, and runny nose 2 weeks ago and was diagnosed as having influenza A. Due to persistence of the symptoms, chest radiography was obtained that showed a round opacity in the lower lobe of the left lung (Fig. 1). Cold agglutinin titers were positive and he was treated with a course of azithromycin. His symptoms improved in 1 week. Follow-up radiograph showed persistence of the opacity without any signs of resolution. CT scan confirmed the presence of an ovoid mass (6×5×4.5 cm) in the posterior aspect of the left lung base (Fig. 2). The boy is from a rural area and has no pets and no significant travel history. He has not lost weight. Figure 1. Chest radiograph showing a round soft-tissue shadow in the left lung base. Figure 2. CT scan of the chest showing a homogenous soft-tissue mass in the left lung. On physical examination, the well-appearing boy has a temperature of 37.0°C and normal additional vital signs. Chest examination reveals reduced air entry in the left lung base with dullness to percussion. Findings on the rest of the examination are unremarkable. Laboratory investigations show Hgb of 9 g/dL (90 g/L), WBC count of 10.5×103/μL (10.5×109/L), and platelet count of 853×103/μL (853×109/L). The ESR is 120 mm/hr and C-reactive protein is 64 mg/L (6.4 mg/dL). Mycoplasma immunoglobulin M titers are positive. Blood culture and purified protein derivative tuberculin test results are negative. Serology for histoplasmosis and coccidioidomycosis also is negative. Tumor markers such as β-human chorionic gonadotropin and α-fetoprotein are undetectable. A surgical procedure with further laboratory investigation helps to establish the diagnosis. A 10-year-old boy presents with groin pain and limp …
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