Public Relations has an important role in solving crisis problems. In the midst of the crisis caused by Covid-19, Public Relations of the Bandung City government needs to carry out its roles, duties and functions to carry out the strategy for handling the Covid-19 crisis. This research uses a literature study approach by collecting data or sources related to the topic raised in the research, as well as reviewing various literatures, both in the form of note and book. The data that has been obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The result shows that the Bandung City Government Public Relations crisis communication strategy in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, in the early stages of the crisis, is to form knowledge about the COVID-19 pandemic crisis in the organization's internal environment through various communication media used by organizational members or in this case ASN and employees of the Bandung City Government. The next stage is to shape the perception of the people of Bandung City by providing message, information, and education about Covid-19, as well as socializing the policies and steps taken by the Bandung City Government in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic crisis to the people of Bandung. Then the last strategy is to restore image and reputation through improving the quality of communication between the government and the community, as well as carrying out media relations activities to publish positive news about COVID-19 handlers in the Bandung City.
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