We report the design procedure for a broadband multi-channel cavity-less optical isolator composed of a triangular perturbed nonlinear parity time (PT) symmetric lattice. The interplay between the nonlinearity and the PT-symmetric lattice that results in nonreciprocal transmission enables us to design the isolator outputs and inputs positions as desired. In the transmitting regime, a number of solitons that are simultaneously launched into individual inputs positioned appropriately, on the waveguides’ gain sides in the periodic lattice, swing along the waveguide until they are self-trapped along the respective waveguides axes, where the isolator outputs are located. In the isolating regime, however, the solitons that are launched into the inputs—i.e., the outputs of the transmitting regime—propagate along the waveguides axes, until they exit from the new outputs. Simulations show that the neighboring soliton trajectories in each regime are completely isolated and so are the forward and reverse trajectories in each waveguide cell. Moreover, operation of this cavity-less PT-symmetric isolator that is designed on an inhomogeneous slab waveguide does not suffer from the narrow frequency band limitation, unlike their cavity-based counterparts.