
Parity-time (PT) symmetry gives rise to unusual phenomena in many physical systems, presently attracting a lot of attention. One essential and non-trivial task is the fabrication and design of the PT-symmetric lattices in different systems. Here we introduce a method to realize such a lattice in an exciton-polariton condensate in a planar semiconductor microcavity. We theoretically demonstrate that in the regime, where lattice profile is nearly PT-symmetric, a polariton wave can propagate at very high velocity resulting from the beating of a ground state condensate created in the lowest energy band at very small momentum and a condensate simultaneously created in higher energy states with large momentum. The spontaneous excitation of these two states in the nonlinear regime due to competition between multiple eigenmodes becomes possible since the spectrum of nearly PT-symmetric structure reveals practically identical amplification for Bloch waves from the entire Brillouin zone. There exists a wide velocity range for the resulting polariton wave. This velocity can be controlled by an additional coherent pulse carrying a specific momentum. We also discuss the breakup of the PT-symmetry when the polariton lifetime exceeds a certain threshold value.


  • Quantum mechanics has shown tremendous success in describing microscale particles and even macroscopic objects

  • We demonstrate that the PT-symmetry can be broken as the lifetime of polariton increases, giving rise to an asymmetric spectrum

  • We have introduced a method to realize a PT-symmetric lattice in polariton condensates

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11 December 2019

Republic of China 4 Department of Physics, School of Science, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, People’s Republic of China 5 College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, United States of America Original content from this Keywords: exciton-polariton, PT-symmetry, optical lattice, optical control work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence.

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