Introduction. The modern education system makes increasingly high demands on students, but there may be insufficient adaptation of pupils and students to learning processes. This is also due to the lack of scientifically substantiated and experimentally tested personality-oriented learning technologies, primarily its physical and psychological components and the adaptation of students in the educational and socio-cultural space. The purpose of the research. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the functional state of students in the classroom and professional and personal qualities of teachers, the development of recommendations for the creation of personality-oriented teaching technologies. Materials and Methods. The study involved students of the National Research Technical University (KNITUKAI) and the Kazan Veterinary Institute named after N. E. Bauman, as well as 10-11th grade students of Lyceum No. 33 at Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (KFU). The number of subjects was 332 people. Methods: analysis of sources, pedagogical experiment (conducting experiment), methods of statistical data processing (correlation and factor analysis). Results and discussion. There were revealed links between the functional state of students in the classroom and professional and personal qualities of teachers: pedagogical tact of a teacher correlates with the students' mood (r=0,85; p<0,05), critical evaluation of his/her merits and demerits is related to the mood of the student (r=0,92; p<0,05) of the student (r=0,92; p<0,05), organizational skills of the teacher with the desire to work (r=0,95; p<0,05), the presence of feedback from the audience also has a positive correlation with the desire to work (r=0,93; p<0,05). The theoretical health saving model of the teacher was compiled. On The first places in the "health-saving model of the teacher" are the following qualities: tactfulness, intelligence, erudition, humor, culture of speech, creative abilities. Application of this model by teachers in schools and universities will promote person-centered learning. Conclusion. The materials presented in the article can be applied by school teachers and university teachers. The conducted research also opens perspectives in the training of teachers at the faculties of professional development on the basis of the developed health-saving model.