The [9-spectrum of RaE was analysed byPetschek and Marshak1) last year and it was conduded that P must be included among the other interactions. (We abbreviate the five interaction types in the Fermi theory of [9-decay as S, V, '!, A and P hereafter.) Though it was pointed out recently by one of the authors that this conclusion is not necessarily correct, P still seems necessary if the spin of RaE is zero.2) However, according to the relation of Ahrens, Feenberg and Primakoff3) the nuclear matrix element LBru in P is so small that we must take G p, the coupling constant of P, very large (-I G pi GTI 133) to make P match to T. Recently it was shown by Ruderman4) that, if nuclear force is mainly [9ru-type, J [91'u is markedly large, and consequently G p need not be so large as expected (I G pi-I GTI) to explain the [9-decay of RaE. However, if nuclear force arises chiefly from pseudovector coupling between 7l-mesons and nucleons, G p should still re~ain large. According to the latest 7l-meson theory in which the damping effect is taken into account,'-) it is very doubtful whether a large [9ru-type nuclear force exists, even if the coupling between 7l-mesons and nucleons is pseudoscalar one; though the conclusion is not to be taken too seriously, in view of many ambiguities in the present 7l-meson theory. We feel the largeness of G p not very agreeable aesthetically, and it seems probable thatGp is of the same order as GT • However, we should discuss this problem on the firmer foundations. The [9-spectrum of -RaE will be analysed by Takebe6) in the case of large G p taking into account another terms pointed out by Ahrens, Feenberg and Primakoff.3) In this paper, however, we shall find the upper bound of Gp from another viewpoint, i.e. from the fact that it very large Gp destroys the spectrum shapes of high energy allowed transitions. (He6 and B12) •