The Sierra Norte de Puebla is an important region due to its high levels of wealth and biodiversity. The objective of the presentstudy was to identify the diversity structure of birds and reptiles, in areas of corn cultivation, coffee plantation and forest, throughdirect observations, image capture by means of a photographic camera, for its later identification in guides field. Four transects wereestablished, the first in forest, the second in coffee, the third in corn cultivation and the fourth in a mixture of the three vegetation’s.A total of 48 species of birds belonging to 13 orders, 20 families and 39 genera were identified. In the case of reptiles, 6 speciesbelonging to 1 order, 4 families and 4 genera. The coffee area presented the greatest diversity and richness of species, followed bythe forest area. In addition, 2 species that are subject to special protection and one threatened according to NOM-059 werevisualized, these species are: Aulacorhynchus prasinus, Psarocolius montezuma and Pionus senilis. For the group of reptiles aspecies was found which is: Aspidoscelis lineattissimus (subject to special protection). It is concluded that the coffee areas have thebest indices of richness, abundance and diversity of species, this may be due to the fact that they present greater benefits for theirdevelopment of birds and reptiles.
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