Designing anisotropic structured materials by reducing symmetry results in unique behaviors, such as shearing under uniaxial compression. While rank-deficient materials such as hierarchical laminates have been shown to exhibit extreme elastic anisotropy, there is limited knowledge about the fully anisotropic elasticity tensors achievable with single-scale fabrication techniques. No established upper and lower bounds on anisotropic moduli exist. In this paper, we estimate the range of anisotropic stiffness tensors achieved by single-scale two-dimensional structured materials. We first develop a database of periodic anisotropic single-scale unit cell geometries using linear combinations of periodic cosine functions. The database covers a wide range of anisotropic elasticity tensors, which are then compared with the elasticity tensors of hierarchical laminates. We identify the regions in the property space where hierarchical design is necessary to achieve extremal properties. We demonstrate a method to construct various 2D functionally graded structures using this cosine function representation. These graded structures seamlessly interpolate between unit cells with distinct patterns, allowing for independent control of several functional gradients, such as porosity, anisotropic moduli, and symmetry. When designed with unit cells positioned at extreme parts of the property space, these graded structures exhibit unique mechanical behaviors such as selective strain energy localization, compressive strains under tension, and localized rotations.
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