Repeated contact with high loads can cause damage to the surface of the DLC films and thus affect their fatigue strength. This study systematically investigates the contact fatigue damage of the DLC films with different carbon structures (a-C, a-C:H, and ta-C) by macro-scale cyclic impact tests with alternating loads. The results reveal that the a-C film possesses significantly superior contact fatigue property compared to the a-C:H and ta-C films under high load. The graphitization transformation of the a-C and a-C:H films lead to a decrease in hardness and elastic modulus. The work-hardening of the ta-C films results in an increase in hardness and elastic modulus. The findings indicate that under cyclic load impact conditions, films need a combination of load support and fatigue resistance to achieve optimum lifetime, and solely increasing film hardness could be accompanied by brittle fracture and higher wear.