Prolonged irritation of the skin or mucous membrane has been accepted as an important exciting factor in the etiology of cancer. Yet, there are many conditions in which such irritation (chemical, thermal, bacterial, or traumatic) has existed for a long period without evoking a new growth. One such example is so-called cardiospasm or, more properly, achalasia of the cardia. The term “achalasia,” meaning “without relaxation,” is preferable in that it calls attention to the essential functional abnormality. The name achalasia serves, furthermore, to distinguish this disease entity from the truly spastic states of the esophagus occurring in association with ulcers and diverticula of its cardiac end or as a reflex mechanism when disease is present elsewhere in the gastro-intestinal tract. The term “cardiospasm” might be reserved for these latter conditions. Since neither the exciting agent nor the neuropathology of the disease entity under consideration has yet been established, one should stick to the characteristic demonstrable finding, namely achalasia. The constant irritation of stagnating food and saliva in the esophagus might be expected to be of sufficient degree and duration to be carcinogenic. Rake (1), indeed, describes the sequence of events as irritation by the products of stagnation → ulcerations of the mucosa → attempts at repair → islands of epithelial hyperplasia → papillomatous formation → malignant growth. It is on the basis of such a scheme of pathogenesis that he explains the high incidence of carcinoma in achalasia of the esophagus. In his series of 15 cases he found 3 patients with carcinoma. Similarly, Gottstein (2) urges early treatment because “experience has taught us that, aside from their suffering, the patients are subject to certain dangers.” He then cites 3 cases of carcinoma encountered among 33 patients suffering from achalasia. In sharp contradistinction to these series, showing an incidence of malignant change of 20 and 10 per cent, respectively, are the reports of 301 cases of achalasia by Plummer and Vinson (3) and later of 683 cases by Vinson (4) without any mention of an associated or complicating carcinoma. Walton (5), in his discussion of the surgical treatment of achalasia, asserts that carcinoma appears to be rare. Kornblum and Fisher (6) have recently reviewed the subject and added 2 cases of their own. They, too, are of the impression that cancer is an unusual complication of achalasia. They say: “While we have not tabulated the actual number of cases of achalasia of the cardia that we have examined roentgenologically, our experience no doubt is similar to that of hundreds of other roentgenologists working in a large city hospital.” Between 1931 and 1942, inclusive, 227 patients with carcinoma of the esophagus were admitted to the Edward Hines Hospital, Hines, Ill. In only one of these cases was achalasia associated with carcinoma. The rarity of such an occurrence appears to warrant the report of that case.
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