Na industria salineira, a agua do mar e a sua materia prima, um recurso inesgotavel e renovavel. O presente trabalho visa avaliar o potencial de aproveitamento do efluente residual salino, proveniente da producao de sal marinho no municipio de Grossos, estado do Rio Grande do Norte, utilizando dados das analises de agua fornecidos pela empresa comercial de producao de sal marinho desta regiao. A local de estudo esta localizado na regiao da Costa Branca, e o abastecimento do empreendimento e realizado atraves do estuario do rio Apodi-Mossoro. Foram analisados tres parâmetros (salinidade, calcio e magnesio) em duas estacoes de coleta, E1 na captacao de agua e E2 no ponto de descarte de agua-mae. Realizadas as analises estatisticas utilizando o software livre SAEG 9.1, foram aplicados os testes de Shapiro-Wilk, Lilliefors e Kolmogorof-Smirnoff, testes de media e Correlacao de Pearson, associando valores dos parâmetros obtidos em mare alta e mare baixa e entre as duas estacoes de coleta. Foi possivel apontar que a agua-mae descartada contem 18 vezes mais magnesio e e 5 vezes mais salino do que a agua coletada na entrada para a producao de sal marinho, junto a isto foi identificada a quantidade de magnesio descartada durante o periodo de pesquisa, viabilizando a producao de oxido de magnesio a partir da agua mae, que alem de minimizar impactos ambientais provocados pela industria salineira, se tornaria uma fonte alternativa para producao da industria salineira. A B S T R A C T In the salt industry, sea water is its raw material, an inexhaustible and renewable resource. The present work aims to evaluate the potential of the use of saline residual effluent from the production of sea salt in the municipality of Grossos, state of Rio Grande do Norte, using data from the water analysis provided by the commercial salt production company of this region. The study site is located in the Costa Blanca region, and the supply of the project is carried out through the Apodi-Mossoro River estuary. Three parameters (salinity, calcium and magnesium) were analyzed in two collection stations, E1 at the water catchment and E2 at the mother liquor disposal point. Statistical analyzes were performed using the SAEG 9.1 free software, the Shapiro-Wilk, Lilliefors and Kolmogorof-Smirnoff tests, mean tests and Pearson's correlation were applied, associating values of the parameters obtained in high tide and low tide and between the two seasons Collection. It was possible to point out that the discarded mother water contains 18 times more magnesium and is 5 times more saline than the water collected at the entrance to the production of sea salt, along with it was identified the amount of magnesium discarded during the research period, The production of magnesium oxide from mother water, which in addition to minimizing environmental impacts caused by the salt industry, would become an alternative source for the production of the salt industry. Keywords: Salt production, environmental monitoring, environmental impacts.
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