The paper presents the results of the comparative assessment of varieties and selected breeding forms of the snowball tree (Viburnum opulus L., Adoxaceae). The article presents the biochemical composition, marketable and taste qualities of fruits of varieties and elite forms of the snowball tree of regular selection of the Institute of Horticulture of the NAAS and its network, grown under conditions of the Central part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. We selected the sources of specific economic and valuable features: large-fruits (weight of the fruit of 1.24–1.80 g, weight of bunch of 109–126 g – Velykoplidna, Ania, Uliana, ЕF-3-10-2010), high taste qualities – degustation evaluation of 8.8–9.0 points and chemical composition of fruits (EF-5-12-2012, EF-3-10-2010, Bagriana, Koralova). The study revealed that the fruits of some selection samples are promising raw materials for production of food products and ingredients of functional purpose, including syrups, mors, juices (varieties Kоrаlоvа, Bаhrianа, Аnia, Uliana, ЕF-3-10-2010, ЕF-5-12-2012, ЕF-7-31-12 with sugar-acid index of 4.86–7.63 and juiciness of the fruit of 4.86–7.63%); jelly, marmalade (Bаhrianа, Аnia, Kоrаlоvа, ЕF-3-10-2010, which have increased content of pectic substances – 9.1–13.0 mg/kg and Р-active compounds – 740–950 mg%); powdered food additives (Kоrаlоvа, ЕF-3-10-2010, ЕF-5-12-2012, ЕF-7-31-12); manufacturing pharmaceuticals (ЕF-2-56-13). Consumption of these products reduces the risk of diet-related diseases, preventing deficiency and replenishing nutrients in the human body, thus preserving and improving health due to the presence of physiologically functional ingredients in their composition. The modern food industry is paying more attention to healthy food with a balanced composition of nutrients, including functional products. Today the snowball tree is a nichе plant both in Ukraine and in the world. According to national scientists and market analysts, today some important factors of the cultivation expediency of snowball tree fruits can be distinguished. The weather and climate and soil conditions in Ukraine are quite favourable for cultivation of this plant. The creation of raw material zones would allow the population to be provided with functional products in sufficient quantity, and, if necessary, allow this plant to be cultivated for export.
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