The paper considers issues related to modeling thermal and hydrodynamic processes in the "wire – ice shell – air" system that occur during melting of ice on wires. The problem of ice shell growth on the surface of power transmission line wires has been known for a long time, and many works in the field of ice growth control and technical means of combating this phenomenon are devoted to its solution. Recently, works have appeared on melting systems that operate without disconnecting lines from consumers, which increases the reliability and uninterruptible power supply, reduces economic losses from undersupply of products during power supply interruptions. The process of ice melting can occur under conditions of heating the conductors with a high current to a steady positive temperature until the ice shell is destroyed. In this case, switching to the melting mode is carried out for a short period of time. An alternative to this method is to combine power supply to consumers and ice melting. In this case, the heat generation capacity in the wires is less, the melting time is increased, but there is no need to disconnect consumers. The problem of maintaining the line in the operating mode of transmitting electric energy to consumers is solved by additionally loading the line with reactive currents by connecting a certain inductive load. The increase in currents and power coming from the supply transformer to the line must be technically feasible so as not to overload the source and not cause its shutdown. Due to power limitations, it is necessary to carry out accurate calculations of thermal processes to determine acceptable modes of melting the ice layer. Complex modeling of thermohydrodynamic processes in the "wire – ice shell – air" system is considered. Several methods for determining the coefficients of convective heat exchange at the boundaries of the conductor at different wind speeds are considered.
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