The motion of a satellite about a rotating triaxial body will be investigated, stressing on the case of slow rotation. The Hamiltonian of the problem will be formed including the zonal harmonic J2 and the leading tesseral harmonics C22 and S22. The small parameter of the problem is the spin rate (� ) of the primary. The solution proceeds through three canonical transformations to eliminate in succession; the short, intermediate and long-period terms. Thus secular and periodic terms are to be retained up to orders four and two respectively. To understand the dynamics of a spacecraft or a natural particle around a celestial body (a planet, an asteroid or even a comet) it's convenient to take into account the spin rate (� ) of the primary, since it is important for several applications especially for geodetic satellites and when dealing with communication satellites where there's commensur-ability between the satellite period and � , and a case of resonance arises (1-3). Considering a slowly rotating earth like planet, the addition of tesseral harmonics is necessary (4, 5) ana- lyzed the orbital dynamics about an asteroid and established that the major perturbations acting on the orbiter are due to the leading harmonics of the geopotential. In a subsequent work (6) he tacked the problem of secular motion in a 2 nd degree and order-gravity field with no rotation qualitatively. In this respect the main problem of artificial satellite theory is very useful; the major contributors to this subject were (7- 10) formed the Hamiltonian of the motion of an A.S. about a planet with an inhomogeneous gravitational field including the leading zonal and tesseral harmonics. He used the Whit- taker variables and then he normalized the Hamiltonian us- ing the method of elimination of the parallax developed by (11). Instead of obtaining an explicit solution of the problem he performed an exhaustion analysis of the problem. The method adopted by Palacian, through elegant, but is very difficult to include higher order terms and higher order grav- ity coefficients. In this paper the gravitational force exerted by an earth like planet on an artificial satellite will be considered, the Hamiltonian of the problem will be formed, in terms of the Delaunay variables, with the earth's spin ratetaken as a small parameter of O(1).The planet's potential will be considered up to the leading zonal and leading tesseral harmonics, an outline of the perturbation technique is given which is based on the Lie- Deprit - Kamel transform. The Hamiltonian is then normalized through three suc- cessive canonical transformations to eliminating succession of the short, intermediate, and long period terms. The proce- dure followed facilitates such including higher order terms and higher coefficients of the geopotential. 2. THE GEOPOTENTIAL