The paper deals with interdisciplinary scientific research that lies in cognitive psychology, information technology and navigation, and is devoted to the relevant topic of navigation - vessel navigator’s decision-making. It reflects the results of theoretical research on the formalization of certain aspects of human mental activity in relation to solving navigation problems. The specific nature of this paper lies in navigator’s inclusion into the ship management which leads to the need in simultaneous consideration of psychological characteristics and ship manageability characteristics. Thus, navigator’s decisions are subjective and consequently difficult to formalize. The purpose of the research is to formalize, i.e. to mathematically describe the quantitative assessment of navigator’s decision-making. Author’s method of probabilistic sense evaluation is used in this research. The semantic space structure, which channels navigator’s decision-making, is represented as the model of a semantic prism. The results are adapted to the concepts of navigation and may be of interest to specialists in ship traffic control automation, artificial intelligence, creation of intelligent control systems and navigation safety.