Subject. The article addresses strategic priorities of the gas industry of the Far East. Objectives. The aim is the primary assessment of internal strategic priorities effectiveness of the Far East gas industry. Methods. The study rests on particular provisions of sectoral strategizing that are based on the general theory of strategy and methodology of strategizing by V.L. Kvint, a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. I apply my own extended methodology of primary evaluation of effectiveness of industry strategic priorities, including the process of parametrization of indicators for the estimated effects of industry priorities, modeling and evaluation of the studied effects, the process of ranking industry strategic priorities. Results. I performed a primary assessment of effectiveness of strategic priorities for ensuring the gasification of the Far East regions and developing the gas processing and gas chemical production. Based on the analysis results, I estimated effects on the gross regional product for each of the priorities, calculated intermediate and main indicators of their effectiveness. Conclusions. The findings will enable to make a decision on the priorities implementation for effective preparation of final document of the strategy of the gas industry in the region.
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