Hjorth, L., & Richardson, I. (2017). Pokémon GO: Mobile media play, place-making, and the digital wayfarer. Mobile Media & Communication, 5(1), 3–14. DOI: 10.1177/2050157916680015. In the above Editorial, “(XXXX)” has been cited many times throughout the text, which should actually be the year 2017. In the same article, the references, which have not been completely updated in the print files, are as follows: De Souza e Silva, A. (2017). Pokémon GO as an HRG: Mobility, sociability, and surveillance in hybrid spaces. Mobile Media & Communication, 5(1), 20–23. DOI: 10.1177/2050157916676232. Frith, J. (2017). The digital “lure”: Small businesses and Pokémon GO. Mobile Media & Communication, 5(1), 51–54. DOI: 10.1177/2050157916677861. Giddings, S. (2017). Pokémon GO as distributed imagination. Mobile Media & Communication, 5(1), 59–62. DOI: 10.1177/2050157916677866. Humphries, L. (2017). Involvement shield or social catalyst: Thoughts on sociospatial practice of Pokémon GO. Mobile Media & Communication, 5(1), 15–19. DOI: 10.1177/2050157916677864. Jin, D. Y. (2017). Critical interpretation of the Pokémon GO phenomenon: The intensification of new capitalism and free labor. Mobile Media & Communication, 5(1), 55–58. DOI: 10.1177/2050157916677306. Keogh, B. (2017). Pokémon GO, the novelty of nostalgia, and the ubiquity of the smartphone. Mobile Media & Communication, 5(1), 38–41. DOI: 10.1177/2050157916678025. Licoppe, C. (2017). From Mogi to Pokémon GO: Continuities and change in location-aware collection games. Mobile Media & Communication, 5(1), 24–29. DOI: 10.1177/2050157916677862. McCrea, C. (2017). Pokémon’s progressive revelation: Notes on 20 years of game design. Mobile Media & Communication, 5(1), 42–46. DOI: 10.1177/2050157916678271. Mäyrä, F. (2017). Pokémon GO: Entering the Ludic Society. Mobile Media & Communication, 5(1), 47–50. DOI: 10.1177/2050157916678270. Salen Tekinbaş, K. (2017). Afraid to roam: The unlevel playing field of Pokémon GO. Mobile Media & Communication, 5(1), 34–37.DOI:10.1177/2050157916677865. Sicart, M. (2017). Reality has always been augmented: Play and the promises of Pokémon GO. Mobile Media & Communication, 5(1), 30–33. DOI: 10.1177/2050157916677863. SAGE regrets the error.
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