The propositions of the first series, and which are termed Introductory, had their origin from my attention being directed to the perspective representation of a Circle. Bat they are kept separate from the perspective propositions. Comprising some things believed to be new, and forming a short system in themselves, they may, on these accounts, be acceptable to other Readers besides those who study perspective. A desideratum, in the science of perspective, had been suggested to me by the Reverend Mr. Kerricii, Principal Librarian to the University of Cambridge; namely, of some law or laws which the axes, of ellipses representing circles, might be found to observe in their directions. An attempt, grounded on this suggestion, is contained in the four Propositions concluding the second or Perspective series. If these be correct, it is hoped that a foundation is laid, for further improvement by persons younger than myself and differently circumstanced. And some mechanical instrument *may possibly be brought to co-operate with the theory here given or begun, so as that, in conjunction, they may afford consider able advantage to the practice of perspective; especially where a number of circles together are to be represented.
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