We examined target selection for visually guided reaching in monkeys using a visual search task in which an odd-colored target was presented with distractors. The colors of the target and distractors were randomly switched in each trial between red and green, and the number of distractors was varied. Previous studies of saccades and attention have shown that target selection in this task is easier when a greater number of homogenous distractors is present. We found that monkeys made fewer reaches to distractors and that reaches to the target were completed more quickly when a greater number of homogenous distractors was present. When the target was presented in a sparse array of distractors, reaches had longer movement durations and greater trajectory curvature. Reaching errors were directed more often to a distractor adjacent to the target, suggesting a spatially coarse-to-fine progression during target selection. Reaches were also influenced by the properties of trials in the recent past. When the colors of the target and distractors remained the same from trial to trial rather than switching, reaches were completed more quickly and accurately, indicating that color priming across trials facilitates target selection. Moreover, when difficult search trials were randomly intermixed with easier trials without distractors, reach latencies were influenced by the difficulty of previous trials, indicating that motor initiation strategies are gradually adjusted based on accumulated experience. Overall, these results are consistent with reaching results in humans, indicating that the monkey provides a sound model for understanding the neural underpinnings of reach target selection.
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