High Cr white irons with various fractions of primary dendrite have been prepared through the modification of their chemical composition. Increasing C and Cr contents decreased the primary dendrite fraction. Eutectic solidification occurred with the phase fraction ratio of austenite: M7C3 = 2.76:1. The measured primary dendrite fractions were similar to the calculated results. ThermoCalc calculation successfully predicted fractions of M7C3, austenite, and M23C6. Conventional heat treatment at high temperature caused a destabilization of austenite, releasing it’s solute elements to form M23C6 carbide. Precipitation of M23C6 during destabilization preferentially occurred within primary (austenite) dendrite, however, the precipitation scarcely occurred within austenite in eutectic phase. Thus, M23C6 precipitation by destabilization was relatively easy in alloys with a high fraction of primary dendrite.
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