Abstract 1037Poster Board I-59 Background:Voreloxin is a first-in-class anticancer quinolone derivative (AQD) that intercalates DNA and inhibits topoisomerase II, inducing apoptosis. Interim results of REVEAL-1, a Phase 2 (Ph 2) dose regimen optimization study of 3 schedules (sch) of single agent voreloxin in newly diagnosed elderly acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients (pts), are reported. The initial dose regimen, voreloxin 72 mg/m2 qw x 3, was established in a Ph 1 dose-escalation study in relapsed/refractory leukemia pts (Lancet J et al., Proc ASH 2007). Overall remission rate (ORR = CR+CRp) was high (41%), but this regimen was less well tolerated in the frontline elderly population. The protocol explored 2 alternative voreloxin sch: 72 mg/m2 voreloxin qw x 2 and days 1 and 4 (d 1,4). A final cohort of pts is enrolling to the d 1,4 sch at 90 mg/m2. Dose escalation was based on safety data from the 72 mg/m2 cohort and from an ongoing Ph 1b/2 study of 90 mg/m2 voreloxin d 1,4 in combination with 1g/m2/d cytarabine x 5d (Lancet J, et al, ASCO 2009). Methods:Ph 2 study of 3 voreloxin sch (30 pts/sch): A 72 mg/m2 qw x 3 or B 72 mg/m2 qw x 2 or C 72 mg/m2 on d 1,4. C at 90 mg/m2 voreloxin is now enrolling to 20 pts. Eligibility: newly diagnosed AML (de novo or secondary AML), pts age ≥ 60 with ≥ 1 additional adverse risk factor (age ≥ 70, secondary AML, intermediate or unfavorable cytogenetics, or PS 2). PK were evaluated in a pt subset in cycle 1. Patient bone marrow aspirates (BMA) taken prior to dosing were tested ex vivo for extreme drug resistance (EDR®) to voreloxin. Results:To date, 105 pts have been treated. Preliminary safety and ORR are available for A, B and C at 72 mg/m2 voreloxin. Twelve pts in C at 90 mg/m2 are too early to evaluate (TETE).DemographicsSchedule (72 mg/m2)A d 1, 8, 15B d 1, 8C d 1, 4AllN29352993Median Age (range)74(60,89)74(63,86)70(60,83)73(60,89)ECOG 0-186%89%72%83%ECOG 214%11%28%17%AHD38%29%28%31%≥ 7076%77%52%69%Cytogenetics SWOGFavorable0%6%7%4%Unfavorable41%46%48%45%Intermediate48%31%31%37%Unknown/not available10%17%13%14%Grade 3 or Higher Infections and MucositisSchedule (72 mg/m2)A d 1, 8, 15B d 1, 8C d 1, 4N293529Febrile Neutropenia38%63%48%Pneumonia31%34%24%Sepsis/bacteremia55%26%10%Infections59%26%28%Upper GI mucositis31%14%21%Lower GI mucositis10%6%0%OutcomeSchedule (72 mg/m2)A d 1, 8, 15B d 1, 8C d 1, 4N293529CR + CRp %41%29%38%Reinduction (CR) No.4(2)8(3)10(5)Consolidation 1 No.997Consolidation 2 No.18430-day all-cause mortality17%9%7%60-day all-cause mortality38%)37%14%Median OS days (95% CI)261d (44, NR)147d (55, NR)TETEMedian OS months8.74.9TETENR not yet reachedCharacteristics of RespondersSchedule (72 mg/m2)A d 1, 8, 15B d 1, 8C d 1, 4AllCR/CRpCR/CRpCR/CRpCR/CRpN(%)12(41%)10(29%)11(38%)33(35%)Age % Response in Category≥ 7036%33%33%33%<7057%13%43%38%PS % Response in CategoryECOG 250%25%38%38%ECOG 0-140%29%38%35%Presence of AHD % Response in CategoryAHD yes45%20%9%28%AHD no38%32%48%39%Cytogenetics % Response in CategoryIntermediate/Unfavorable35%33%26%32%Intermediate43%45%33%41%Unfavorable25%25%21%24%FavorableNA0%100%50%Risk Factors % Response in Category166%29%80%55%244%29%14%30%325%25%20%33%4NA50%NA50%NA not applicableOverall incidence of infections and mucositis were reduced in B and C, sch with 2 voreloxin doses, relative to A which had 3 voreloxin doses. Voreloxin PK were similar to those in an earlier Ph 1 study in relapsed/refractory AML (Lancet J, et al., Proc ASH 2007). Pts whose BMA were inhibited < 48% by 1 μM voreloxin had a greater chance of treatment failure (p = 0.043) than those whose BMA were inhibited by ≥ 48%. Conclusions:In REVEAL-1, voreloxin demonstrates clinical activity with 3 dosing sch in previously untreated elderly (age ≥ 60) AML pts who are unlikely to benefit from standard chemotherapy. ORR across 3 sch was 35%; the majority (76%) were CR. Responses were seen in each risk factor category and with multiple risk factors. Of reinduced pts, 45% achieved CR(p). Durable remissions exceeding 6 months were observed in 50% (A) and 63% (B) thus far. C d 1,4 was selected for further development based on ORR (38%), 30 and 60 day all-cause mortality (7% and 14%, respectively) and an improved safety profile with lower rates of infection compared to previous schedules. Further accrual to C 90 mg/m2voreloxin d 1,4 is ongoing. Disclosures:Ravandi:Sunesis: sunesis study steering committee. Cripe:Sunesis: Research Funding. Chen:sunesis: Employment. Mahadocon:sunesis: Employment. Fox:Sunesis: Employment. Berman:Sunesis: Employment. Michelson:sunesis: Employment. Stuart:sunesis: sunesis study steering committee.
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