110 BOOK REVIEWS BIBLIOGRAPHIES IN BRIEF DRAMATIC CRmCISM INDEX, eds. Paul F. Breed and Florence M. Sniderman. Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1972. 1022 pp., $20.00. This index is, according to its subtitle, "a bibliography of commentaries on playwrights from Ibsen to the Avant-Garde." Its nearly 12,000 entries span some 300-odd modern dramatists from Lionel Abel to Stefan Zweig. Its compilers have attempted to catalogue the English-language books, chapters, and articles relating to each playwright and his works, but the results are often disappointingly spotty and unreliably random. A bibliography of Ibsen (to take the one name mentioned specifically in the subtitle) that omits Brandes, Fjelde's Twentieth-Century Views volume, Koht's Life, Lucas's Ibsen and Strindberg, Northam, Tennant, Weigand, Valency's The Flower and the Castle, Brian Downs's Ibsen, the Intellectual Background, Chesterton, Francis Bull, and even the Ibsen Yearbook can hardly be called all-inclusive. It might easily be called somethil}g worse. BRITAIN'S THEATRICAL PERIODICALS 1720-1967, ed. Carl J. Stratman, CSV New York: The New York Public Library, 1972. 160 +xxiv pp., $11.00. A major revision of the original edition of this bibliography published in 1962, the present compilation indexes 1,235 English periodicals from Richard Steele's The Theatre in 1720 to the Oxford Playhouse Company's Act One, Scene 2 in 1967. Of particular interest to scholars of modern drama and theatre are the nearly 600 titles listed in the present century. The late Professor Stratman's bibliographical work has always been painstaking, his entries are descriptive, and library locations are included for most of the titles catalogued in this eminently useful reference work. LISE-LONE MARKER University of Toronto ...
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