Serous ovarian carcinoma (SOC) is anovarian cancer with ahigh fatality rate. Therefore, alot ofresearchers have tried to identify novel prognostic biomarkers which might improve thepatient prognosis. The aims ofthestudy were to detect thetissue protein expression ofBeclin-1 in addition to HIF-1α in SOC patients, to evaluate therelationship between their expression, theclinicopathological parameters, patients' prognosis, and therelation to chemotherapy resistance in SOC. We evaluated theexpression ofBeclin-1 in addition to HIF-1α in 60 patients with SOC using immunohistochemistry, followed all patients for about 36 months, analyzed associations between both markers' expression, clinicopathological data, and patients' prognosis. Beclin-1 expression was related to low grade (p=0.002), early SOC stage, absence ofperitoneal spread (p=0.006), and absence oflymph nodes, and distant metastases (p=0.004 and<0.001 respectively), while HIF-1α expression was associated with higher grade and stage (p=0.007), and presence ofnodal and distant metastases (p<0.001 and=0.012 respectively). High Beclin-1 expression and low HIF-1α expression were positively associated with good response to chemotherapy (p=0.047 and p=0.022 respectively), alower recurrence rate after successful therapy (p=0.006 and<0.001 respectively), and increased three-year recurrence-free and overall survival rates (p<0.001). In SOC patients; Beclin-1 is agood prognostic marker, while HIF-1α is apoor prognostic marker.
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