In separate studies in west-central Kansas, a prepackaged mixture of chlorsulfuron + metsulfuron (5:1 w/w) and triasulfuron alone or in combination with metribuzin as a sequential or tank mix treatment were evaluated two years for downy brome control in winter wheat. Downy brome and wheat responses to each herbicide alone PRE or plus metribuzin POST varied between years. Visually, downy brome biomass was reduced 32 to 79% by chlorsulfuron + metsulfuron at 16 to 26 g ai/ha and 58 to 76% by triasulfuron at 30 g ai/ha applied PRE. Metribuzin POST at 158 g ai/ha following chlorsulfuron + metsulfuron PRE at 26 g/ha and metribuzin POST at 140 g/ha or more following triasulfuron PRE at 30 g/ha reduced downy brome biomass in both years more than PRE treatments alone. Chlorsulfuron + metsulfuron at 11 or 16 g/ha plus metribuzin at 105 or 158 g/ha applied POST affected downy brome less in 1992 than chlorsulfuron + metsulfuron applied PRE at 21 or 26 g/ha. Conversely in 1993, POST treatments except for chlorsulfuron + metsulfuron at 11 or 16 g/ha plus metribuzin at 105 g/ha affected downy brome more than PRE treatments. Triasulfuron plus metribuzin POST in late fall controlled downy brome better than a sequential application in one of two years; late-fall POST was better than early-spring POST applications in both years. Despite some treatments retarding growth, no treatment in either study reduced wheat yield in 1992. However in 1993, chlorsulfuron + metsulfuron PRE at 26 g/ha, chlorsulfuron + metsulfuron at 16 g/ha plus metribuzin at 105 or 158 g/ha applied POST, and metribuzin POST at 315 g/ha reduced wheat yields. Triasulfuron at 30 g/ha plus metribuzin at 140 g/ha or higher applied PRE, sequentially, or POST in late fall and metribuzin applied POST in early spring at 280 g/ha also reduced wheat yields.
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