In the previous report, the addition of H2C (S•CH2C00H)2 together with penicillin precursors into penicillin culture broth, can increase or accelerate penicillin production and sometimes enhance penicillin G-content of the broth, comparing with the cases when only penicillin-G precursors are added. (We named such a compound “penicillin coprecursor”.) In this report, the coprecursor activities of various compounds having analogous structure to CH2(S. CH2COOH)2 are studied. a, _??_manifests strong coprecursor activity when phenylacetic acid or phenylacetamide is added as the precursor. The amount and mode of addition of this substance have only small influence on the efficiency as the coprecursor. b._??_too, seems to have some coprecursor activity, but result obtained is not so clear as its free acid. c._??_has some coprecursor activity, But, as this substance is somewhat toxic to Penicillium, the amount and mode of addition should be determined carefully to ensure its coprecursor effect. d._??_too, seems to have some coprecursor effect. e._??_and _??_also mainfest some coprecursor activity, but_??_indicates no activity._??_seems to have moderate coprecursor activity. Generally speaking, compo. unds which have the structure_??_in the molecules, often possess the coprecursor activity. (R1 R2……Hydrogen atom or aliphatic radical)
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