Traditional beat frequency quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy (BF-QEPAS) are limited by short energy accumulation times and the necessity of a decay period, leading to weaker signals and longer measurement cycles. Herein, we present a novel optomechanical energy-enhanced (OEE-) BF-QEPAS technique for fast and sensitive gas sensing. Our approach employs periodic pulse-width modulation (PWM) of the laser signal with an optimized duty cycle, maintaining the quartz tuning fork's (QTF) output at a stable steady-state level by applying stimulus signals at each half-period and allowing free vibration in alternate half-periods to minimize energy dissipation. This method enhances optomechanical energy accumulation in the QTF, resulting in an approximate 33-fold increase in response speed and a threefold increase in signal intensity compared to conventional BF-QEPAS. We introduce an energy efficiency coefficient K to quantify the relationship between transient signal amplitude and measurement duration, exploring its dependence on the modulation signal's period and duty cycle. Theoretical analyses and numerical simulations demonstrate that the maximum K occurs at a duty cycle of 50 % and an optimized beat frequency Δf of 30 Hz. Experimental results using methane reveal a detection limit of 2.17 ppm with a rapid response time of 33 ms. The OEE-BF-QEPAS technique exhibits a wide dynamic range with exceptional linearity over five orders of magnitude and a record noise-equivalent normalized absorption (NNEA) coefficient of 9.46 × 10-10 W cm-1 Hz-1/2. Additionally, a self-calibration method is proposed for correcting resonant frequency shifts. The proposed method holds immense potential for applications requiring fast and precise gas detection.
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