The Pocheon skarn deposit, located at the northwestern part of the Precambrian Gyeonggi massif in South Korea, occurs at the contact between the Cretaceous Myeongseongsan granite and the Precambrian carbonate rocks, and is also controlled by N-S-trending shear zone. The skarn distribution and mineralogy reflects both structural and lithological controls. Three types of skarn formations based on mineral assemblages in the Pocheon skarn exist; a sodiccalcic skarn and a magnesian skarn mainly developed in the dolostone, and a calcic skarn developed in the limestone. Iron mineralization occurs in the sodic-calcic and magnesian skarn zone, locally superimposed by copper mineralization during retrograde skarn stage. The sodic-calcic skarn is composed of acmite, diopside, albite, garnet, magnetite, maghemite, anhydrite, apatite, and sphene. Retrograde alteration consists of tremolite, phlogopite, epidote, sericite, gypum, chlorite, quartz, calcite, and sulfides. Magnesian skarn mainly consists of diopside and forsterite. Pyroxene and olivine are mainly altered to tremolite, with minor phlogopite, talc, and serpentine. The calcic skarn during prograde stage mainly consists of garnet, pyroxene and wollastonite. Retrograde alteration consists of epidote, vesuvianite, amphibole, biotite, magnetite, chlorite, quartz, calcite, and sulfides. Microprobe analyses indicate that the majority of the Pocheon skarn minerals are enriched by Na-Mg composition and have high , , and ratios. Clinopyroxene is acmitic and diopsidic composition, whereas garnet is relatively grossular-rich. Amphiboles are largely of tremolite, pargasite, and magnesian hastingsite composition. The prograde anhydrous skarn assemblages formed at about in a highly oxidized environment ($fO_2
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