杂家是先秦诸子百家中的重要思想流派之一,被《汉书•艺文志》收录于“诸子略”里的“九流十家”之中。杂家充分吸收了诸子百家的精华思想,但并非对其进行简单地杂糅,而是贯之以“王治”、“国体”,成为总结学术的会通之学。自先秦至唐代,杂家的脉络演变清晰可循。杂家思想最早发端于战国末年的《吕氏春秋》,该书对诸子百家学说作了一次大规模的概括总结,不别门户,集其大成。西汉以降,初崇老庄之道术,后尚孔孟之儒法,淮南王刘安招宾客方士编成《淮南子》一书,进一步继承杂家思想,以老庄思想为主,兼采各家所长,体系博大,内涵精深。有唐一代,以魏征为代表的政治家们更是继承杂家的视野与心胸,将当时之世的先进思想(如东汉兴起的道教、魏晋盛行的佛教)融贯调和,注入到大唐的政治体系中,奠定唐代包容会通、兼收并蓄的主基调,使得唐朝出现“贞观之治”的历史性盛世。从吕不韦到魏征,杂家最终实现了自己的治国主张,成效斐然,影响深远。杂家的治国思想内涵丰富,包括以民为本,德治为主、法治为辅以及任贤用能、注重教化等等。我们应当了解杂家优中取优、去门户之见的学术价值,并且在实现中华民族伟大复兴的奋斗过程中积极吸收人类文明的优秀成果,兼收并蓄,融会贯通。 The Eclectics is the one of the most significant schools during the pre-Qin period and it has been included in “jiu liu shi jia” of “zhu zi” class in the books catalogue in Han Shu. Eclectics absorbed the various schools of thought adequately and stringed with “governance” and “constitution” not only grouped them simply. Thus, it became the TongXue. From pre-Qin to Tang dynasty, the structure evolution of Eclectics can be found clearly. The thought of Eclectics began in the Annals of Lubuwei at the end of the warring states period, this book has made a summary of the various schools comprehensively without the portal. The monarch advocated the thought of Laozi and Zhuangzi in early years of the Han dynasty and then urged the Confucianism. Liuan, the king of huainan, edited a book named Huainanzi by gathering knowledgeable persons. He inherited the thought of the Eclectics deeply. This book contained the thought of Laozi and Zhuangzi mainly and took the quintessence of every schools, thus, the book’s connotation was very profound. In the Tang dynasty, the politicians represented by Weizheng continued to inherit the horizon and ambition of Eclectics. They transfused the advanced thought such as Taoism risen in Eastern Han dynasty and Buddhism prevailed in Wei and Jin dynasties into the political system of Tang dynasty and established the main tone of embrace everything that is useful of Tang dynasty, so that there became a historic prosperous time which named “Golden Year of Zhenguan” during the Tang dynasty. From Lubuwei to Weizheng, Eclectics realized its political target ultimately which had significant effect and far-reaching influence. Eclectics had abundant political thought which include people-based, governing mainly by morality and secondarily by law, appointed talent, paying more attention to enlightenment and so on. We should understand the academic value of Eclectics on choosing the best in the excellence and neglecting the prejudice from different schools, further more, we have to absorb the excellent results of human civilization actively and achieve mastery through a comprehensive during the strive to attain the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
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