This research is a classroom action research which is entitled Using the Jigsaw Method to improve the activities and Learning Outcomes on subject matter of the History of the Development of the New Order Government of grade XII IPS (Social science) Students of SMA 10 Pekanbaru. The porpuse of this research is to improve activities and learning outcomes conducted in two cycles. Before conducting the learning process a test is administered, namely the cycle of total scores (2390); cycle I (2885), and cycle II (3070). For the average pre-cycle score was 68.29, the first cycle increased to 78.92, and the second cycle increased to 87.71. The results obtained based on criterion of Minimal Completness 80. The score of completeness in the complete pre-cycle is only 8 students (22.86%), not complete was 27 students (77.14%). In the first cycle there were 24 students who got complete score (68.57%, and 11 students who got uncompleted score (31.43%). In the second cycle there were 34 students who got complete score (97.14%) and uncomplete score was 2.86%. The score based on the range is the highest with 85 and the lowest one with 45; the first cycle with the highest 95 and the lowest based on the range and criterion score, on the cycle the percentage is 31,43% (enough); the first cycle was very high with 37.14 % and the second cycle was very high at 51.43%. For student activities each cycle increased, namely cycle 1reached to 71.43 and cycle II reached to 85.71. Keywords: Historics, Jigsaw method. Learning activities and outcome. Abstrak Penelitian ini penelitian tindakan kelas dengan judul Penggunaan Metode Jigsaw untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Sejarah Pokok Bahasan Perkembangan Pemerintahan OtdeBaru Siswa Kelas XII IPS SMA Negeri 10 Pekanbaru. Tujuannya adalah memperbaiki aktivitas dan hasil belajar dilaksanakan sebanyak dua siklus. Sebelum melakukan proses pembelajaran diadakan tes yaitu prasiklus jumlah nilai ( 2390); siklus I (2885), dan siklus II (3070). Untuk rata-rata nilai perkelas prasiklus 68,29, siklus I meningkat menjadi 78,92, dan siklus II meningkat menjadi 87,71. Hasil nilai yang diperoleh berdasarkan KKM 80. Nilai ketuntasan pada prasiklus tuntas hanya 8 orang (22,86 %), tidak tuntas sebanyak 27 orang (77,14 %). Pada siklus I meningkat yang tuntas 24 orang (68,57 %, tidak tuntas 11 orang (31,43 %). Pada siklus II yang tuntas 34 orang *97,14 %) dan tidak tuntas 02,86 %). Hasil nilai berdasarkan tinggi dan rendahnya nilai prasiklus tertinggi 85 dan terendah 45; siklus I tertinggi 95 dan terendah 75 berdasarkan rentang dan kriteria nilai, pada prasiklus persentasinya 3143 % (cukup); siklus I sangat tinggi 37,14 ^ dan siklus II pada kriteria sangat tinggi 51,43 %. Aktivitas siswa setiap siklus meningkat yaitu siklus 1 berjumlah 71,43 dan siklus II berjumlah 85,71. Kata Kunci : Pelajaran Sejarah, metode Jigsaw. aktivitas dan hasil belajar.
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