Determination of radon concentration in a dwelling is preferred method for monitoring the internal exposure of radiological contaminants. Measurement the concentration of radon and their daughter products in indoor and outdoor of dwelling for Al-Medhatyah and Al-Hashimiyah cities, Babylon governorate near mobile stations were carried out by nuclear track detectors (CR-39) in a bare mode. The results show that the concentrations of indoor radon were found to vary from 85.51 Bq/m3 to 157.48 Bq/m3 with an average value of 131.43 ± 20.71 Bq/m3.This values was lower than the ICRP reco mmended values of (200 – 300 Bq/m3) and thus is within safe limits. The outdoor radon concentrations was vary fro m 100.75 Bq/m3 to 110.06 Bq/m3 with average 105.26 ± 3.8 Bq/m3, the outdoor radon concentration is usually low and less than average indoor levels. The equilibriu m-equivalent radon concentration (EECRN), potential alpha energy concentration (PAEC), annual exposure to potential alpha energy (EP), annual effective dose (AED) and the lung cancer cases per year per million people (CPPP) were calculated.