The performance of some popular and some more recent density functional methods for the calculation of energies of stationary points on the potential surfaces of radical-molecule reactions was examined. The functionals studied are B3-LYP, BH&H, BH&H-LYP, MPW1K, MPWB1K, TPSS, TPSSh, BB1K, M05 and M05-2X, in conjunction with nine different AO basis sets. The reaction energies, barrier heights and the relative energies of the pre-and post-reaction complexes were compared with those obtained at the CCSD(T)/CBS limit for the reactions of OH radicals with HOOH and CH3OOH. Very poor barrier heights are provided by the B3-LYP, TPSS and TPSSh functionals. The best overall performance was obtained with the BB1K, MPW1K and MPWB1K functionals. In these reactions all of the studied functionals provide converged results only if they are used with large basis sets like aug-cc-pVTZ and def2-TZVP. The data show that before relying on a functional for a specific reaction, it is desirable to make some test calculations on the performance. The same functional can predict some relative energies very well and some others very poorly even in systems including chemically similar reactants.
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