The current development of gender issues is characterized by many discussions. Among the issues discussed the most, of course,are: preventing and combating discrimination against women belonging to vulnerable groups, gender-based violence and its relationshipto the social role of the individual, beating gender stereotypes, constructing gender equality, access to justice, and recent eventsrelated to the Biarritz Partnership.
 It should be noted that freedom, equality, honor, dignity is the best “guidelines” of the democratic status of an individual in mo -dern society. Legal criteria indicating the content of these categories, their completeness and development, in accordance with Europeanstandards, should be the focus and matter of honor for legal scholars and practitioners. And this leads to the successful polylogue of thestate, civil society and an individual. The construction of gender equality is determined by the state of human rights protection, and genderrights are no exception.The nature of law and human nature have always been and now are of interest, being discussed in philosophy, politics, sociologyand legal doctrine. Today, these discussions are widespread in civil society.High-quality, detailed study of the gender aspect in legal regulation, improvement of means and mechanisms to intensify genderrelations, their adequate use in the legal field will give opportunities for improving the effectiveness of regulatory influence on civilsociety and will reach a new level of legal form. In Ukrainian legislation, gender relations are regulated by constitutional norms, normsof a sectoral nature, a special law and by-laws.This provides an opportunity to speak about the system of laws governing gender relations. It is also legitimate to state that theselaws take a certain place in the system of national legislation and of international law. This leads to the conclusion about the possibilityof conflicts in law and the need to develop ways to overcome them.In this context, one should draw attention t to the Biarritz Partnership, which was launched by the leaders of the G7 at the summitin Biarritz on 25 August 2019 under the lead of French President Emmanuel Macron.Ukraine obtained the status of a member of the Biarritz Partnership, the international initiative of equal rights and opportunities.This accession was initiated by the First Lady in December 2019. It has been repeatedly emphasized that this is another step towardsequality in a broad sense, regardless of gender, age, culture, or mental differences. Ukrainian authorities have undertaken obligationsin five areas:– developing barrier-free public space, friendly to families with children and low-mobility groups;– teaching the principles of equality between women and men to children;– preventing violence;– reducing the pay gap between women and men;– creating more opportunities for men to care for children.
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