Geant4 is a versatile Monte Carlo radiation transport simulation toolkit with a steep learning curve. This work introduces a user-code called M-TAG (Modular Radiation Teaching-Aid for Geant4), built on top of Geant4. M-TAG is designed to help gradually introduce the Geant4 toolkit to new users.The goal of Geant4 is to record quantities from the simulated radiation as it is transported through geometries. M-TAG simplifies the inclusion of new geometric elements and detector components in the simulation by including new classes. M-TAG also provides basic validated examples for some common detector development tasks. Geant4 intercom modules, called messenger classes, manage these classes. To validate M-TAG, simulations were performed to calculate the range of positrons in water. One hundred million decays at the center of a water-filled sphere with a radius of 1 m were allowed for fluorine-18, carbon-11, oxygen-15 and gallium-68. These results were compared to literature values. An inexperienced Geant4 user was tasked with creating a simulation model for a plastic scintillator-based detector and conducting basic tests to assess the effectiveness of M-TAG as a teaching tool. The simulation involved calculating the dose to the detector's sensitive volume using a 2x2 cm planar monoenergetic photon source spanning energies from 20 to 100 keV. One billion particles were simulated twice: once with the actual detector geometry and once with the sensitive volume replaced by water. The validity of M-TAG was also verified by computing dose ratios and comparing them with mass-attenuation ratios obtained from NIST XCOM data sets.The mean positron travel distances were within the distribution of literature values. Simulated positron energy spectra means were within 1.8% of literature means. Simulated dose ratios agreed with literature values within uncertainties.We have developed and verified a modular Geant4 teaching aid called M-TAG. It was used to introduce a new user to Geant4, who used it to perform further validation simulations.
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