In this work we consider the implications of the minimum-energy principle for a fluid system composed of bulk, surface, and line phases. By analogy with the concept of surface tension for surface phases, line tension is defined as the force, or free energy per unit length, operating in a one-dimensional phase. Such phases typically form the common boundary of several surface phases. The concept of line tension was introduced in a brief footnote by Gibbs (1961) and subsequently developed by a number of researchers. A modern treatment based on Gibbsian thermodynamics may be found in Boruvka & Neumann (1977). The principal effect of line tension is to modify the Young equation that restricts the equilibrium contact angles between the surface phases along their common boundaries (Boruvka & Neumann, 1977). According to the modified equation, line tension affects the contact angles wherever the boundary is curved. This curvature introduces a length scale that can be used to quantify line tension experimentally. Both positive and negative values of measured line tension have been reported. For example, in systems consisting of an oil lens on the surface of water, Langmuir's data yield a positive line tension of approximately 60 uJ/m (Langmuir, 1933), while Gershfeld & Good (1967) and Harkins (1937) report positive values of 5-OxKT 3 and 2-0 x 10~ 5 uJ/m, respectively. Wallace & Schlirch (1988) report positive values ranging from 10 X 10~2 to 2-4 X 10~2 uJ/m for sessile drops on liquid-liquid interfaces. However, negative line tensions varying in magnitude from 105 to 10~ 3 pJ/m have been reported for certain black foam films (Toshev et at., 1988; Kolarov & Zorin, 1979). The line tensions calculated from the data of Ponter & Boyes (1972), Boyes & Ponter (1974), Ponter & Yekta-Fard (1985), and Yekta-Fard & Ponter (1988)
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