Abstract— We have investigated the effects of solvent and pH on the absorption and emission propertied of various 6‐ and 9‐substituted purines as a means of examining the nature of the directed not only at deteriming the relative energies of (π,π*) and (π,π*) states, but in particular, at examining the nature and energies of the two lowest‐lying (π,π*) states. For examplem, the attachment of a methyl or ribosyl group to the N9 of purine does not change the relative energies of the lowest‐lying (π,π*) and (π,π*) states; thus, the latter is the singlet of lowest energy. However, the lowest singles in derivatives formed by substitution at C6 are(π,π*) states—i.e. there is no long‐wavelength tail in the absorption spectra and florescence is comparable in intensity to phosphorescence. Further the absence of emission from neutaral adenine at room temperature is due to temperature quenching. Both lowest (π–π*) transtions. are contained under a common envelope and cannot be resolved in the absorption spectra. The shoulder observed in some of these compounds on the long‐wavelength slope of absorption envelope is vibrational in nature. Consideration of the effects of solvents on absorption and the analysis of luminescence spectra make it possible to locate the relative position of these (π–π*) transitions within the common envelope. In compounds with an ‐H on N9 and a free (aza) N1 (e.g. adenine, anionic hupoxanthine) the weaker, solvent‐sensitive (W) band has a higher energy then the more intense, solvent‐insensitive (S) band. When N1 is protonated, (e.g., in hypoxanthine or cationic adenine) and/or when methyl or ribosyl is substituted at N9, the order of these bands is inverted due ot a red shift of the W band. This shift is most apparent in the 9‐substituted hypoxanthines, where in non‐polar solvents the W band can be readily resolved in the absoption spectra. This inversion results in a red shift of both fluorescence and phophorescence and an increase of the P/F ratio. When chlorine or iodine is attached at C6 only phosphorescence having a very short lifetime appears due to heavy atom enhancement of single—triplet transitions.
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