Optical traps (OT) and single molecule fluorescence (SMF) find use in single molecule biology [1,2]. OT allows manipulation and force spectroscopy of biological macromolecules. Unfortunately both the conformational state of the molecule and force localization on the molecular complex are unresolved in space. SMF characterizes the position of the fluorophore label, yielding the change in shape and conformational state of the labeled molecule. Correlating the force response and label tracking data, the relationship between changes in conformational state and related force are resolved [3]. A combined OT and SMF instrument (OT-SF) allow studying the operational principle of biological molecular motors essential to life.We implemented SMF imaging into an existing optical tweezer instrument [4]. A diode pumped solid state laser excites fluorescence (Coherent Sapphire 50 mW, 488 nm). Video capture is realized with an intensified CCD camera (Qimaging QICAM Fast). A fluorescence emission filter (Chroma HQ535/30m) maximizes the SNR of fluorescence detection, by maximizing the optical density at the wavelengths corresponding to the trapping and detection lasers. A microscope TIRF objective (Nikon CFI Plan Apo 100X TIRF) facilitates localized excitation in the sample chamber, which reduces the background signal.Proof-of-principle concurrent SMF imaging and OT micromanipulation of SYBR Gold stained DNA constructs is presented. The proof is presented in the form of a nanoscale video with fluorophore position and forces displayed in real-time. The DNA is bound to optically trapped dielectric beads in a dumbbell configuration.