Objective: to determine the peculiarities of anlage and development of certain cervical organs during the embryonic period of human ontogenesis.Materials and methods. The study was conducted on 12 series of successive histological sections of the human embryos 4-6 weeks of development (4,0-13,5 mm of the parietal-coccygeal length (PCL). Only those cases were included into the study when a cause of death was not associated with pathology of the organs, vessels and nerves of the neck. The methods of preparation of series of successive histological sections, common and thin dissection under control of binocular lens, graphic and plastic reconstruction, microscopy, and morphometry were used.Results. In the embryos 4,0-4,5 mm long the rudiments of the esophagus, larynx and trachea are determined as pharyngeal derivatives on the level of the first cervical vertebra, although none of the morphological structures that can be used to determine the borders between the rudiments of the respiratory and digestive tubes are found. In front of the rudiments of the respiratory and digestive systems there are big rudiments of the heart and liver, and behind – the rudiments of the cardiac veins, dorsal aorta and vertebral column.During the fifth week of the embryonic development the rudiment of the oral pharynx is in the form of a dilated anterior part of the foregut. The oral fossa which is the initial portion of the oral pharynx is bounded above by the unpaired frontal process, lower – by paired mandibular processes, and from the sides – by maxillary processes. The cervical part of the vertebral column is located dorsally from the rudiment of the pharynx, the larynx rudiment – ventrally, and vascular-nervous bundle of the neck – ventrolaterally. The rudiment of the larynx looks like an oval accumulation of mesenchyme developed due to the closure and separation of the epithelial channel from the ventral wall of the anterior intestine. The fourth brachia arteries are determined on the examined stage of the intrauterine development transformed in the right into the anonymous artery, and in the left – into the aortal arch.In the embryos 9,0-12,0 mm of PCL in the caudal portion of the anterior pharyngeal wall on the level of branching of the tracheal rudiment there is a paired thickening of the mesenchyme in the form of arytenoid rollers with dorsally directed incisures and a transverse roller separating the entrance into the respiratory tube. The epiglottis rudiment is also determined. The venous system of the cervical region is presented by the anterior cardinal veins mainly located ventrally from the vertebral column. The junction of the anterior and posterior cardinal veins results in the formation of the common cardinal veins. At the end of the embryonic period of development the internal and external jugular veins are formed from the cranial portion of the anterior cardinal vein.Conclusions. At the end of the embryonic period of development the pharynx and trachea are not separated clearly, since they are surrounded by the common layer of mesenchyme. The larynx is presented by mesenchyme thickening located directly close to the entrance into the respiratory tube. The main cervical veins are formed from the anterior cardinal veins.
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