Melt fragmentation, quenching and long term coolability in a deep pool of water under the reactor vessel are employed as a severe accident mitigation strategy in several designs of light water reactors. The success of such strategy is contingent upon the natural circulation effectiveness in removing the decay heat generated in the porous debris bed. The maximum height of the bed is one of the important factors which affect the debris coolability. The two-phase flow within the bed generates mechanical energy which can change the geometry of the debris bed by the “self-leveling” phenomenon. In this work we developed an approach to modeling of the self-leveling phenomenon. Sensitivity analysis was carried out to rank the importance of the model uncertainties and uncertain input parameters i.e. the conditions of the accident scenario and the debris bed properties. The results provided some useful insights for further improvement of the model and reduction of the output uncertainties through separate-effect experimental studies. Finally, we assessed the self-leveling effectiveness, quantified its uncertainties in prototypic severe accident conditions and demonstrated that the effect of self-leveling phenomenon is robust with respect to the considered input uncertainties.
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