The quantitative characterization of macro-porous materials with regard to pore width and pore width distribution was accomplished for the first time by using 1H-NMR microscopy in combination with suitable methods of digital image analysis. Here we present the newly developed algorithm and discuss the first experimental results. Large-pored glass filter systems filled with silicon oil as intrusion fluid were used as references. Silicates of unknown pore width were analyzed both with the new method and with Hg intrusion. NMR image data were recorded using a 3D spin echo sequence, which gave 128 slice images with a spatial resolution of 14.5 μm × 14.5 μm within each slice, with a slice-thickness of 37 μm or 48 μm. A quantitative evaluation of the 3D NMR data, with regard to pore width and pore width distribution, was done using the appropriate image processing function of the HORUS program. Individual slice evaluation was performed first, followed by an analysis of the binding elements between the slices. Pore widths of the glass filters determined using this analytical algorithm were in accordance with the manufacturer’s values, and silicate pore widths were in good agreement with the values determined by Hg intrusion.