Background. Numerous studies in various scientific areas deal with to the problem of mental health of Ukrainians: the theory and practice of psychological and pedagogical research, psychophysiological concepts and theories, a systematic approach in psychology, the psychophysiological aspect of the emotional background, as well as psychosomatic features of optimal personality functioning. Preservation of mental health has become a priority of the state policy of Ukraine to support the country’s stability and fighting capacity. The study of the impact of psychoemotional factors on the functional state of the body for the restoration and optimization of life support among volunteers who provide free psychological assistance and support the mental health of the population is relevant. The research was aimed at studying the origin of psychosomatic disorders in volunteers with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well as determining the impact of these disorders on their mental health and psychosocial status. Materials and methods. The following psychodiagnostic tools were used: emotional burnout diagnosis method according to V. Boyko, NEWS questionnaire, PCL-5 questionnaire and post-traumatic growth questionnaire. According to the results of the study, it was found that emotional burnout in volunteers manifests itself in three phases: tension, resistance, and exhaustion according to indicators of a high level of stress and severe depression in respondents with signs of PTSD (23.9 %). Results. Mental disorders such as asthenic, anxiety-phobic, hysteroform and depressive syndromes are observed in all groups. Conclusions. The psychosomatic mechanism of the relationship between mental activity and behavior in PTSD includes the influence of a traumatic psycho-emotional factor that causes a constant feeling of danger, panic attacks or fear of repeating the situation, a feeling of hopelessness, low mood, apathy, loss of interest in usual activities, aggression, irritability, frequent conflicts and anger outbursts, feelings of detachment, social isolation, relationship problems and guilt for experiencing PTSD symptoms.
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