Police Pakuhaji Tangerang districts covering jurisdiction Pakuhaji is the frontline in the prevention and law enforcement in the region Pakuhaji Tangerang. In the period 2013-2015 there were 46 criminal cases handled by police Pakuhaji Tangerang, will be directing that the District Pakuhaji still prone to crime. In this thesis, which is the identification of the problem is: What is the Role Pakuhaji Tangerang Police in maintaining internal security and law enforcement based on Act No. 2 of 2002 on the Indonesian National Police ?; and what factors are impediments to creating security and order and enforcement by the police Pakuhaji Tangerang based on the applicable law ?. The method used in this research is normative, i.e. testing and reviewing secondary data, that the principles contained in the legislation. Specifications research in compiling the research. This is done by means of descriptive analysis that describes the problems that exist and then analyze it using primary legal materials are materials legally binding and consists of norms (basic) or a basic rule, legislation, legal materials do not codified, such as customary law, jurisprudence, treaties, legal materials from colonial times still stand, secondary law is to give a description of the primary legal materials. Pakuhaji Tangerang Police in order to maintain security and order and the rule of law, namely: Implementing regulation, guard, escort and patrol the community and government activities as needed; Organizing activities in order to ensure security and public order, traffic, etc .; Encourage people to increase community participation, community legal awareness, and improve compliance with the legal community; Participate in the development of national laws; Maintaining order and public security; Coordination, supervision and technical guidance of the special police, investigators civil servants and other forms of security Swakarsa; Investigation and investigation of all criminal offenses in accordance with the law of criminal procedure and legislation. Not optimal role Pakuhaji Tangerang Police in maintaining internal security and law enforcement due to several things, namely: Absence of police management system improvements; The absence of standardization of work processes, standardization work and standardization of human resources, as well as the formalization of the task is clear; DAK quality of members of the police resources were not optimal. The solution in order to maintain internal security and law enforcement is by referring to the Problem Oriented Policing, which includes Scanning (mapping problem), analysis (Analyze problem) and Response (Follow to the problem). Advice to writers is the need for standardization of work processes, standardization work and standardization of human resources Police.