Using the scattering matrix method and the Blonder–Tinkham–Klapwijk formalism, we theoretically study the transport properties and the shot noise in a silicene-based superconducting superlattice (SCSL) with two ferromagnetic electrodes . It is found that for the antiparallel (AP) magnetization configuration, the crossed Andreev reflection (CAR) probability for spin-up electron from the K valley shows the nearly perfect transmission peak at the superconducting energy gap. With increasing the exchange splitting energy, the transmission probabilities of the elastic cotunneling and CAR processes for spin-up electron from the K valley around zero incident angle show the valley–peak–valley transitions. For the AP magnetization configuration, the local Fano factor shows the super-Poissonian value and the nonlocal Fano factor forms a Poissonian value plateau with weak oscillation within a suitable parameter regime. Compared to the local Fano factor, the nonlocal Fano factor is always sub-Poissonian for the parallel magnetization configuration, but for the AP magnetization configuration its maximum value increases and becomes super-Poissonian as the number of layers in the SCSL increases. • The crossed Andreev reflection probability shows nearly perfect transmission peak. • The transmission probabilities are symmetric about the incident angle of electron. • The super-Poissonian Fano factor is found. • The Poissonian value plateaus of the local and nonlocal Fano factors are formed. • The energy range with pure crossed Andreev reflection is robust to layer number.
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