Platanus acerifolia (Plataceae) is woody perennial tree, a native of Asia, Europe, and Eastern Mediterranean regions of the world. It is commonly cultivated and highly valued as an ornamental and medicinal tree. Its leaves as a natural waste is available in abudance, easy to obtain and cheap. In the present study, P. acerifolia leaves were obtained from Kocaeli region of Turkey at the autumn period. All of the specimens were dried in air before using analytical techniques. The leaves were analyzed by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Attenuated Total internal Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), Scanning Electro Microscopy- Enegy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDX). All analysis were performed for providing an accurate detection of the leaf molecular structure, crystalline phase, chemical compositions (organic or inorganic constituent), elemental index, morphology and microstructure. From X-ray diffraction pattern, crystaline phase and chemical compositions of the leaf specimens were identified as whewellite (C2CaO4.H2O), schertelite (Mg(NH4)2H2(PO4)24H2O), silicon oxide (SiO2), amide (C13H17N7O3), ester (C37H68O8), benzene (C28H40O10). According to ATR-FTIR analysis results, characteristic peak values of the leaf specimens were detected functional groups as (P-O), (C=O), (ClO), (C-O), (P-O-H), (C-H), (N-H), (O-C=O), (K-NO), (Ca-CO), (NH), (C=H), (N=O), (O-H), (CH), (NN), (Si-O-Si). SEM-EDX analysis showed the present of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, magnesium, silicon, phosphor, chloride, potassium, and calcium in the leaf specimens. Morphology and microstructure of opened or closed stomas, fiber of leaf specimens were monitored. The chemical compositions, the functional groups and the elements are responsible for various medicinal properties of P. acerifolia leaves. Nanoparticles obtained from the leaves by using developed plant extract process can be used as biomaterial, biosorbent and nanomedicine against various plant, human, and animal diseases or pathogens.
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