Miniaturization of traditional devices is in high demand formicro-electro-mechanical systems~MEMS!. Examples includebut are not limited to optics, communication and information sys-tems, fluidics, biotechnology, medicine, automotive, and aero-space. An area of interest in several engineering fields is the con-trol of fluid flow within microchannels and microtubes. Theapplications include, but are not limited to, fields such as vibrationcontrol of structures and systems using small devices, reactors formodification and separation of biological cells, energy systems asa mobile power supply, heat exchangers for micro and macro de-vices, and propulsion engines @1–3#.In recent years, there has been growing attention given to theliquid flow in microchannels in parallel with the development ofminiaturized devices and systems. The understanding of flowcharacteristics, such as velocity distribution and pressure loss isnecessary in design and process control of microfluidic devices.Peng, Peterson, and Wang @4# experimentally studied the flowcharacteristics of water flowing through rectangular microchan-nels having hydraulic diameters of 0.133 to 0.367 mm and heightto width ratios of 0.333 to 1. Their results indicated that the lami-nar flow transition occurred for the range of the Re number be-tween 200 and 700. They also claimed that friction behavior forboth laminar and turbulent flow depart from classical thermofluidcorrelations, and the friction factor is proportional to Re