Bacillus subtilis NB22 is an antifungal-antibiotic iturin producer that expresses broad suppressibility against phytopathogenic microorganisms. The survival of B. subtilis NB22-1, which is a spontaneous streptomycin-resistance mutant of NB22 was investigated in four different soils. After a gradual decline, the bacterial viable cell number stabilized at a level of 10 4–10 5 colony forming units/g-dry soil irrespective of soil differences. A similar decline and stabilization pattern was observed in the case of the transformant of B. subtilis NB22-1 with the plasmid pC194 in nonsterile soil. The transformant reached a much higher stabilized level in sterile soil than in nonsterile soil. However, significant loss of the plasmid was observed in both the soil systems after 10 to 20 d incubation. Plasmid pC194 was stable over a hundred generations in the strain when cultivated in a liquid complex medium, but unstable in minimal medium, indicating that the plasmid stability in soil does not necessarily reflect that in liquid culture.
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