Numerical unit cell models of 1-3 periodic composites made of piezoceramic unidirectionalcylindrical fibers embedded in a soft non-piezoelectric matrix are developed. The unit cell isused for prediction of the effective coefficients of the periodic transversely isotropicpiezoelectric cylindrical fiber composite. Special emphasis is placed on a formulation of theboundary conditions that allows the simulation of all modes of the overall deformationarising from any arbitrary combination of mechanical and electrical loading. Thenumerical approach is based on the finite element method and it allows extension tocomposites with arbitrary geometrical inclusion configurations, providing a powerfultool for fast calculation of their effective properties. For verification, the effectivecoefficients are evaluated for square and hexagonal arrangements of unidirectionalpiezoelectric cylindrical fiber composites. The results obtained from the numericaltechnique are compared with those obtained by means of the analytical asymptotichomogenization method for different volume fractions. Furthermore, the results arecompared with other analytical and numerical methods reported in the literature.
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