Piecewise linearization techniques require dividing the signal into multiple pieces each linearized individually. Machine learning (ML) is one of the useful tools to perform the automatic division of these pieces. Complexity reduction in the classification of piecewise digital predistortion is possible through carefully constructing features from both the signal statistics and the power amplifier (PA) characteristics. Our paper introduces two low-complex classical ML-based methods that facilitate the classification of baseband input data into distinct segments. These methods effectively linearize PA behavior by employing tailored Volterra models corresponding to each segment. Moreover, we perform an in-depth analysis of the proposed schemes to further optimize their classification and regression complexities. The two proposed low-complexity approaches are validated by laboratory experiments and show up to 4 dB error vector magnitude (EVM) improvement over the conventional approach for a class A PA at 28 GHz. Similarly, the EVM improvement is up to 2 dB over the vector-switched general memory polynomial scheme. With only one indirect learning architecture iteration, the two proposed schemes obey the 5G new radio standard up to 6.5 dB and 7 dB output backoff, respectively.
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