The algorithms of optimization of dynamic control systems in the class of impulse and piece-wise constant functions are considered in the report. They are based on the methods for solving of linear, piece-wise linear and quadratic programming problems worked out by the authors. I. Consider the time optimal control problem(1)x˙=Ax+Bu,xO=xo,d*≤ut≤d*,t∈T-O,ti,(2)ti→min,xti=xi,where x=xt=xit,…xnt is the vector of state of the system at the moment t;A∈Rn×n,B,xo,xi∈Rn;rankB,AB,…,An−1b=n;u=ut,t∈T, is the one-dimensional admissible contro from the class of piece-wise constant functions that are continuous to the right at the points of discontinuity. The algorithm for solving of problem(l-2)is based on the primal support method for solving of linear problem of terminal control with the unbound termination of the process and on the use of differencial equations for optimal support and optimal value of cost functional in the problem being considered. A numerical experiment was carried out to test the efficiency of the suggested method. The problems of the typeti→min,x˙i=x2,x˙2=x3,…,x˙n=u,xO=xO,xti=xi,ut≤i,t∈T=O,ti,were chosen as the test ones where the order of the system n =3,5, the initial approximation to the time optimal moment, the initial and terminal states varied by special rules. The accuracy of 10-15-10-15 was reached. 2. Consider the terminal control problemc′xto→max,x˙t=Atxt+Btut+ft,t∈T=tN,tK;B*i≤h′ixti≤Bi*,i=l,m¯;d*t≤ut≤d*t,in the class of the impulse controls u(t) , where c,xt,ft∈Rn,ut∈R2,t∈TUnder the numerical solution of the given problem the trajectory xt,t∈T of the system is approximately computed and the accuracy varies from iteration to iteration. The algorithm is finite without taking into consideration that the accuracy of the calculations approaches zero. At the first stage the “rough” calculations are conducted. As approaching to the optimum according to the definite rules the accuracy is raising. This allows to economize GPU time. The numerical experiment showed that the rate of algorithm increases approximately two times in comparison with the variant where the maximal accuracy is constantly used at iterations. 3. Three problems are considered for the system (I):I) Ju=minc′ixti+αi→max, 2)Ju=∑i∈Kc′ixti+αi→min, 3)Ju=maxi∈Kc′ixti+αi→min,with the constraintsHxti=g,f*t≤ut≤f*t,t∈T,where K is the finite set, ci are the vectors, i∈K;αi are scalars i∈K. The exact finite algorithms are worked out. They are programmed in FORTRAN-17. 4. The problem of quadratic functional on the trajectories of the system (2) is investigated.
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