Circadian rhythm is the internal homeostatic physiological clock that regulates the 24-hour sleep/wake cycle. This biological clock helps to adapt to environmental changes such as light, dark, temperature, and behaviors. Aging, on the other hand, is a process of physiological changes that results in a progressive decline in cells, tissues, and other vital systems of the body. Both aging and the circadian clock are highly interlinked phenomena with a bidirectional relationship. The process of aging leads to circadian disruptions while dysfunctional circadian rhythms promote age-related complications. Both processes involve diverse physiological, molecular, and cellular changes such as modifications in the DNA repair mechanisms, mechanisms, ROS generation, apoptosis, and cell proliferation. This review aims to examine the role of aging and circadian rhythms in the context of lung cancer. This will also review the existing literature on the role of circadian disruptions in the process of aging and vice versa. Various molecular pathways and genes such as BMAL1, SIRT1, HLF, and PER1 and their implications in aging, circadian rhythms, and lung cancer will also be discussed.
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